Life Update:
It's only been about two and a half weeks into my second semester of junior year at this new university. I am living in an apartment this year instead of a dorm this year. I feel like a new transfer student even though I transferred to here last year. All of my friends live in apartments or in the dorms across campus. My schedule is pretty light with only two classes a day and a huge gap in between the two. I love all of my classes, except for Shakespeare. I am hoping that I will have more time to sign up for new clubs, get involved and maybe get a job or internship. This is the most "chill" semester I have ever had in college.
Moving to the other side of campus is scary and different. I have never had a roommate for more than a semester. Living with someone is a big change. Also, as I mentioned earlier, all my friends live somewhere else on campus. For the past two weeks, I have been eating dinner alone and lunch with the same person all the time. I have done everything with this person from escape room to yoga and also panda express dinners. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with this person but I'd like to branch out and make more friends this semester. I want to meet people who are interested in the same things that I am.
So far, there's no progress with that goal. I tend to eat alone. I hate introducing myself to people. I feel like I haven't met the right people yet. Also, I want to get involved more on campus. I guess so people know that I exist. I am 100% an introvert.
I am also struggling with my Shakespeare class. I didn't turn in my first assignment on tine and by the time it was due my hands were shaking and I did not have a works cited page. I think I even had the wrong version of the book in my citations. I tend to have very minor anxiety attacks when I am running late or have not completed something.
I am hoping to make more friends this semester, take up a leadership opportunity, and get better grades. Let's see how this works out for me. I say it a billion times but i never fall through with it. I am not too confident in my grades and I do not desire to be a straight A student. I tend to compare myself to everyone around me, which causes me to be super insecure and lose confidence.
