When I had pre-diabetes I did not know that there was more than one type of diabetes. I though that everyone who had diabetes just had diabetes in general. Little did I know, I would be diagnosed with two types of diabetes. That's another story. It's probably already posted or will be posted soon.
Anyways, on to the 3 three types of diabetes....
There's type one diabetes which means the the person's body makes little to no insulin in there pancreas. Therefore, they have to do daily insulin injection into their stomach or upper arm daily or get an insulin pump. I personally think that having an insulin pump has changed my life forever. A person who is type one diabetic has to check their glucose readings daily by pricking their finger to check their blood sugar. If their blood sugar is below 70-65 they need some source of sugar or carbohydrate ASAP to raise there blood sugar.
I do not know much about the other two types of diabetes so I am pulling information from the internet. People with Type Two Diabetes have pancreas that make more insulin in their body than necessary. "This causes high blood sugars and can damage the body or cause other health problems such as vision loss and kidney disease." People with type two diabetes of ten times don't know that they have it until it is too late. Symptoms can be hard to spot out because they can relate to other medical conditions. Type two diabetics mange everything themselves and do not have a pump to assess. It depends on the patient, but a daily lifestyle routine may look different for everyone. Some people take pills or have a specific diet or even do insulin injections.
I haven't even heard of Gestational Diabetes until I looked it up. So here's a passage from the CDC instead of my own words, "Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that is first seen in a pregnant woman who did not have diabetes before she was pregnant. Some women have more than one pregnancy affected by gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes usually shows up in the middle of pregnancy. Doctors most often test for it between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy."
There's also a Type 4 diabetes, but I won't get into that its too complicated to explain...
