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Why my 21st birthday matters to me. (and all of my other birthdays too)

My mom always says that birthdays are "Just another day", but in my opinion I believe that birthdays should be celebrated. The birthday milestones that young adult and teen girls usually look forward to are their 16th, 18th, and 21st birthdays. These ages typically signify something important like getting a permit, turning a legal age, or being able to drink alcohol.

When I turned 16 my sister passed away and didn't get to live to age 21. This is one reason why my birthdays matter so much to me. A celebration of life that she never got to experience. Life is precious and life is short. We should cherish the experiences we have with others before there are none left.

When I turned 18. I moved to college by myself and had to learn how to make all my medicines and take care of myself in a daily routine everyday while going to 4 classes. It was a tough year as all college years should be. My parents did not think 18 was a big deal besides doing more house chores and doing everything by myself.

Now that I am turning 21. I think that it is a really big deal but I am stuck inside because of covid. I definitely won't drink. 1) because of my health conditions 2) I don't see the big deal about drinking when your 21 3) I'd rather do other things. My sister didn't get to live to age 20 0r 21. Stupid Mito had to take over her body. I am not exactly sure what happened to be honest. (story for another time)

"A small study in children with mitochondrial disease examined the patient records of 221 children with mitochondrial disease. Of these, 14% died three to nine years after diagnosis. Five patients lived less than three years, and three patients lived longer than nine years."

I am fortunate enough to be alive and healthy. I am a college senior now and can take care of most of my medical needs. Not to brag but its a pretty big deal for me to be here because 3 years ago I couldn't even make my medicine routines go right.

If we I didn't have strict parents and covid did not exist, My ideal birthday party/celebration would include:

-Krispy Kreme Donuts

-lots of pink balloons

-a small party with close friends (no alcohol)

-a chocolate birthday cake

-a disney movie night with a friend or two

-a night away from my parents


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