Most of you have probably heard about public colleges closing in America because of the prevention of the spread of COVID-19. Well unless you are Patrick star and live under a rock. Yesterday, my college announced its closure as of 3/12-3/21. I am not panicking or stressing out about corona virus. Neither am I partying because of no classes on campus. I'm actually worried and stressed. (A billion assignments to do no motivation)
If you don't follow my blog posts or if you don't know me really well. Let me explain, how this "quarantine" affects me. 1) I have to be super careful about where I go and who I interact with because of the mito and diabetes. (You can read about that in other blog posts) 2) I have a ton of work to do and i am stressed 3) my house is not a healthy environment to write papers and do readings at.
To be honest, I'd rather be on campus or at the library. There's something relaxing about the library. I even go there to watch Netflix away from my apartment. My house is very cluttered and hoarded. There's not a single free table or a space to sit down except the couch. I am also an English major and rely on in class discussions. This whole class online thing isn't ideal for me. I learn best visually in person and in class. I've taken online summer courses before and they were hard to follow.
Also, a great portion of my friends are from college. I have no one to hang out with over break. Just me and my parents. And me and my homework. I am not going anywhere special either. Only Child life gets really boring easily. Ecspecially when you can't drive. (a story for another time.)
Even if I have to sit through a Shakespeare class or a boring lecture, I'd rather do that then sit and write essays in a cluttered house alone all day. I like learning even if I don't get straight A's. College is like my safe place. I can be alone and do what I want. I don't have my parents bugging me and I have my own space.
On social media I may look like I have a wonderful life full of traveling and luxuries but it comes with so many complications. I wish this COVID-19 didn't affect my mental and physical health as much. I have to be super safe.
I hope everyone has a wonderful spring and healthy spring break. It's also almost 1 am. Oops :0
